Tallest Flagpoles In Ireland

Image: The tallest flagpoles in Ireland at the main entrance to The University of Limerick


Friday, December 7, 2018

In This Edition:
Swanlork, spotmini arms, Alexa skills, Tom Cruise Vs TV motion smoothing, Bill Gates book list, web dev advent calendar, 52 facts from 2018, Google Pixel 3 Portrait mode and Edge on Chromium!

I spent this week on the lovely UL campus, which has a new building added to it each time I visit. The new library extension is now open and running and looks magnificent. The experience of walking over the living bridge with the sound of the river Shannon flowing underneath cannot be understated.

Swansea Laptop Orchestra at GowerHaus

This week The Swansea Laptop Orchestra performed The Alphabet Song at a slot in the GowerHaus Swansea College of Art showcase event in the Round Reading Room. Check out some photos from the set here.

Spotmini Arms

Image: Design Boom, Youbionic, Boston Dynamics

youbionic have developed a set of 3D printed remote controlled robotic arms that can be mounted onto things. To demonstrate this, they mounted their bionic arms on Boston Dynamics Spot Mini quadruped robot. The STL files for 3D printing the set of bionic arms can be downloaded from the youbionic website for $179.


Designing An Alexa Skill

Image: Amazon

Amazon have produced a handy factsheet describing how to go about designing an Alexa skill, starting from defining the customer value of voice interface, and matching that with the available features of an Alexa voice skill.


Tom Cruise Vs TV Motion Smoothing

Image: Twitter, Tom Cruise

Thank you Tom Cruise! For years I've preached to whomever would listen how that stupid setting on HDTVs make things look crap! Finally, Tom Cruise and his Hollywood mates have come to my rescue to tell the world that motion smoothing is wrong, even if it is on by default on most HDTVs. Take back your quality HDTV viewing experience and turn off motion smoothing, because Tom Cruise asked you to! :-p


Bill Gates Book List 2018

Image: gatesnotes.com

Bill Gates has released a list of his 5 favourite books of 2018, just in time for gift shopping (hint hint! :-p). Check out the list of 5 books here.


24Ways Web Dev Advent Calendar

Image: 24ways.org

24ways have created a web development Advent calendar and are releasing some really interesting articles in the run up to Christmas like how best to secure your website or how to create your first Chrome extension.


52 Things Learnt in 2018

Image: Medium Tom Whitwell

Tom Whitwell has an interesting list of 52 facts he learned in 2018 published on Fluxx Studio Notes, such as taht Peppa Pig tattoos are big in China and that only 100 of 1000 crosswalk buttons in New York city are functional.

Portrait Mode AI On Google Pixel

Image: Google AI Blog

This is an intesting post on the Google AI Blog describing how they achieve portrait mode on the Google Pixel 3 with one camera. Using a CNN, sharpness depth cues within the image can be combined with the shape estimation of everyday objects as components of the AI that runs on the phone using Tensorflow light to accurately produce blurred background for portrait mode.


Microsoft Edge On Chromium

Image: The Verge

Microsoft have announced plans to rebuild their Edge browser on the open source Chromium Web rendering engine. The new Edge will be available on the older Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems, as well as on Mac OS! 


About Found This Week

Found This Week is a curated blog of interesting posts, articles, links and stories in the world of technology, science and life in general.
Each edition is curated by Daryl Feehely every Friday and highlights cool stuff found each week.
The first 104 editions were published on Medium before this site was created, check out the archive here.

Daryl Feehely

I’m a web consultant, contract web developer, technical project manager & photographer originally from Cork, now based in London. I offer my clients strategy, planning & technical delivery services, remotely & in person. I also offer freelance CTO services to companies in need of technical bootstrapping or reinvention. If you think I can help you in your business, check out my details on http://darylfeehely.com

Life Changing Smart Thinking Books