Items of Interest

Disable 2G On Android

Google pushed an update to some phones running Android 12 to allow 2G to be disabled by the user. This is significant because cell site simulators used by police in the U.S. can impersonate cell towers and force a phone to downgrade to a 2G connection. This then allows the cell site simulator to crack the weaker 2G encryption in real time and snoop on any phones connected to it.

Ocean Battery

Dutch startup Ocean Grazer has designed an ocean battery that uses excess renewable energy to pump 20 million litres of low pressure water from a concrete reservoir on the sea bed into a flexible bladder. When energy is needed, the bladder releases the water back into the reservoir using the force the ocean above it, driving water turbines and generating up to 10MWh of electricity as it passes back into the reservoir, at an efficiency rate of between 70 and 80 percent.  
