
The Comet

Motion Designer Christian Stangl and Composer Wolfgang Stangl used the 400,000 images released by the ESA of the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko taken by the Rosetta spacecraft to make a short film. The footage uses digitally enhanced real footage from the probe.

ISS Hotel

NASA is to open up the International Space Station (ISS) to tourists from 2020, at the cost of $35,000 per night PPS. The price doesn't include transfers to and from earth, which are estimated at $60m each way!

The NASA Twins

Scientists have published the results of the study of the NASA twin astronauts Scott and Mark Kelly in Science Magazine. The experiment studies the physiological, molecular and cognitive changes that can happen to a human during a prolonged space mission. Scott Kelly was in the International Space Station for one year while his twin Mark stayed on earth, which allowed scientists to compare the effects of the space mission between the two identical twins.


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