Snap Spectacles 2.0

Image: The Verge

Snap has released the second version of its Spectacles smart(?) glasses. These ones are $150, shoot HD video and, new to this version, can take HD photos. According to The Verge, they are less bulky and easier to use. If predictions come true, we'll all be wearing glasses like these, or better ones from Apple, in the next few years.
The progress of these wearables reminds me of when camera phones first emerged. Everyone was frightened by those clunky flip phones with their silver lenses and crappy image resolution. In Ireland, gyms and schools issued edicts banning the use of camera phones as soon as they became widely available. What kind of monster would want to take a camera into a gym anyway? Fast forward a few years and the #gymselfie is so 2016. Google Glass and Sepctacles v1 were perhaps like the early camera phones and soon we'll all be posting our #glassview photos :-)


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