The EPA published a fascinating review of climate attitudes conducted by researchers at DCU. The work reviewed 4610 studies on climate attitudes, which were then filtered down to 66 studies that were analysed using the Bronfenbrenner person-centred bioecological systems model. The results show that trust in institutions and the beliefs of one's social circle influence one's attitudes to climate change.
The Reengineer describes some real life examples where small coding changes can result in emissions reductions for websites delivered at scale, such as image optimisation on a council's website, or reducing the size of a wordpress plugin used on millions of websites.
The Green Web Foundation published a brilliant blog post about grid aware websites, and how they are building a CDN edge function that allows the delivery of website content to be tailored/reduced based on how clean or not the electricity grid intensity is for the user's location.
The HTTP Archive have published this year's Web Almanac, which includes an interesting chapter on sustainability, and covers topics such as page weight, sustainable hosting, optimisation, and the W3C Web Sustainability Guidelines (WSG).
The National Library of Ireland published a scanned copy of an Irish-English spelling primer from the 1830s, including translations between Cló Gaelach letters and English letters.
Scientists at Kyoto University have deployed the world's first wooden satellite and launched it into space via SpaceX. The intention of the LignoSat is to measure how durable the wooden structure withstands operation in space.