Items of Interest

Scaling Postgres

Gajus Kuizinas has an interesting post over on Medium Programming about the lessons learned in scaling a Postgres database to 1.2bn records per month, including the different hosting options and data management and indexing techniques.

Bee Arithmetic

Researchers from RMIT University in Melbourne conducted an experiment that showed that bees can perform addition and subtraction arithmetic by associating abstractions such as colour to the operators and performing calculations within a maze in search for sugar water.

Oceans S1

Team Oceans have launched a Kickstarter campaign to produce an ultrasonic communication watch for underwater divers. The watch allows for buddy communication underwater by sending an ultrasonic pulse that is detected by other watches in the vicinity, which then vibrate to grab the attention of the wearer.

HT to the Syntax podcast for mentioning, a website that has all the docs for every programming language in one place. It is also a progressive web application, which means you can cache the docs for offline reading!

Deep Water or Big Wave Problem

More platinum wisdom was delivered by Seth Godin in his blog this week when he talks about the perception of problems. If you are dealing with a deep water problem, like swimming in a deeper pool than normal, the effort needed to swim is the same as in a shallow pool. The same effort just a bigger landscape. However, if you usually surf 6 foot waves and try to surf 25 foot waves, a huge additional effort is needed in a similar landscape. Learning to tell the difference is important! :-)


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