Patatap is a fun music game where you can play different clips by tapping on your mobile screen, or typing on your keyboard when viewing the site on a computer.
Want to see what the earth looked like during different epochs? Ancient Earth Globe allows you to pick a time frame and see what the globe looked like back then.
GPTZero is a new service that purports to allow users to detect output generated by ChatGPT, using AI, just like ChatGPT. GPTZero are currently looking for users in education to help them develop a written-by-AI detector.
Researchers from the University of Washington and Stanford University demonstrated a new radio transmitter that uses almost no power to switch the flow of electrons heated by random thermal noise on or off to an antenna.
Hannah Ritchie published an excellent analysis of the emissions of an electric car versus those of a second hand fossil car. When electricity generation is a mix of renewables, the production emissions of an electric car (mainly the battery) are overtaken by the emissions of a fossil car after the second year of driving.
Stinging nettles have a bad rep as a villain of nature, when in actual fact, they have lots of great superpowers like being caterpillar & butterfly food, a sanctuary for ladybirds, a medicine to treat hypertension and diabetes, and can even be used as cloth fibre.
Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have developed a WiFi based human pose sensing system that can identify multiple people and their positions in a room using the phase and amplitude of the WiFi signal, filtered using machine learning models. The system can map the UV coordinates of body regions and is comparable to image based recognition systems.
Physicists at École Polytechnique in Palaiseau have successfully used lasers to guide lightning over a Swiss mountain. The lasers create a pathway of low density, ionized air that the lightning can follow.