An FOIA request has revealed a report from the FBI on the different types of data that can be obtained from encrypted messaging apps by U.S. law enforcement. published a review of all the main javascript libraries and scripts used by websites and domains that access the sensors in your smartphone. These sensors, such as motion, orientation and light sensors, are used by for different reasons like real human detection, or display customisation.
The British Medical Journal published an excellent interactive tool to visualise the estimates of COVID transmission as defined by experts in different scenarios. TL;DR; It's airborne, wear a FFP3 mask.
Emna Ayadi published a great blog post detailing the best way to approach testing an API, including using the heuristic POISED (Parameters, Output, Interop, Security, Errors, Data).
The BBC Visual and Data Journalism team publish an interesting blog on how they rolled out the use of R's ggplot2 package to create graphics and data visualisations on the BBC News website.