Items of Interest

Cholera Rice Vaccine

Scientists at the University of Tokyo have developed a vaccine for Cholera that is delivered using genetically modified rice, which has successfully completed phase 1 human trials. The edible Cholerea vaccine hides in the membranes of fat in protein droplets within the rice cells, protecting it from the digestive system.

Facemask COVID Detector

Researchers at MIT and Harvard have developed a COVID-19 detection system that is integrated into a facemask which tests the wearer's breath for COVID-19 in ninety minutes. The wFDCF technology uses freeze dried test moelcules that are activated when water is released into the testing unit via  release button. The system combines the high accuracy of a PCR test with the speed and low cost of an antigen test.

Emergency Site Kit

Max Boeck has created a starter kit for building an emergency information website. The kit includes statically generated files, basic styling to help with accessibility, offline operation via a service worker, and is optimised for one ciritical roundtrip request with inline resources.


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