Items of Interest

Spear Phishing

Many are now aware of the term phishing, the attempt to obtain sensitive information by luring people into clicking links in an email from what they think is a trsuted sender. A new subset of this, spear phishing, is the attempt to lure into the same using emails sent from legitimate and trusted sources which have been compromised.

20 Years of Online Game Hacking

Despite having recommended the Darknet Diaries podcast way back in Edition #150, I fell behind in my listening and have just started catching up. This week I listened to a fascinating two part story about Manfred, an online game hacker who earned a living from his hacking for 20 years! Manfred found and exploited insecurities in pretty much every online game going, except World of Warcraft, for years.

Hacking Hotels

Bloomberg has an interesting piece that follows a group of consultant hackers trying to hack a hotel. The piece describes the usual targets that allow would be hackers to gain access to a hotel's physical infrastructure, such as isolated POS systems, smart TV internet ports or even ports for automated window blinds.


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