Items of Interest

Podcast of the Week: The Almanac of Ireland

I recently interviewed Manchán Magan over on Smart Thinking Books and as a result this week I sought out his podcast The Almanac of Ireland and I was not disappointed! In the episode Hellmouth, Manchán goes in search of the ancient mystical cave enterance to the Cetlic underworld, in a field in Roscommon. He ventures 7 meters underground into the cave with no light and just a microphone and a book for company.

Iron As Renewable Fuel

Working with researchers from TU Eindhoven, the Swinkels Family Brewers in The Netherlands are the first to employ at scale the burning of Iron as a renewable fuel. Finely ground iron powder burns cleanly at high temperatures and produces iron oxide (rust) as its only emission. Best of all, this rust can be reenrgised back in to iron powder using electricity, for use as a combustable source of energy again!


Life Changing Smart Thinking Books