Items of Interest

Zero Is The Hero

Atlantic Philathropies, the organisation setup by Chuck Feeney to give away his huge fortune, has published their final report titled Zero Is The Hero. The report gives an overview of the amounts invested around the world in different industries. The fascinating story of Chuck Feeney is told excellently in the book The Billionaire Who Wasn't (affiliate link) by Conor Clery.

52 Things from 2019

Tom Whitwell has put together a cracking list of interesting facts he learnt in 2019. These include why British motorways are not built in straight lines, where the 10,000 steps thing came from, there were between 0 and 2 Nigels born in the UK in 2016, and that Ireland had it's own timezone until 1916 (see also Mean Time at Richmond Barracks).

Toyota Future City

Toyota are planning to build a prototype city of the future called Woven City on 175 acres at the base of Mt. Fuji. The city will be fully powered by hydrogen fuel cells and it will feature segregated transport links for different type of autonomous zero emissions vehicles and state of the art robot filled smart residences made of wood using traditional Japanese wood joinery. The first population set of 2000 people will be employees, retirees and industry partners. Ground breaking is due to start in 2021.
