Items of Interest

Fish Farmers

Researchers at Griffith & Deaking universities have found proof that longfin damselfish have domesticated mysid shrimp. These damselfish farm algae for food, and use the mysid shrimp feces as fertilizer. They even protect the shrimp from other fish outside the farm that try to eat the shrimp.

Using prefers-reduced-data

The Polypane blog posted a great how to article on using the new prefers-reduced-data media query when creating websites. Support for the new prefers-reduced-data is on the way in browsers, and it let web developers specify lower size resources and omre efficient methods of operation for users with lower bandwidths.

Indistinguishability Obfuscation

Indistinguishability Obfuscation (iO) is a crytographic protocol which was thought to be impossible until Aayush Jain and his advisor Amit Sahai from UCLA, together with Huijia Lin from the University of Washington, published a paper acheived IO using standard security assumptions. The purpose of iO, as I understand it, is to allow two pieces of the same data to be encrypted with all but one element being different, e.g. a key, and it would be impossible to determine the difference by comparing the two encrypted results.
