Items of Interest

Bill Gates On Vehicles

Bill Gates published a blog post about his thoughts on the future of transport, in particularly vehicle transport. Electric vehicles are great for short haul, provided the efficiency of battery weight to range is improved. He sees the future of long-haul transport in biofuels, that can take CO2 from the atmosphere and combine with water to create hydrogen without any waste. These biofuels power vehicles and extract CO2 from the air, a win win!

Bloom Filters

Onat Yigit Mercan posted a great explainer on Bloom filters, a data structure used as a sort of fuzzy hash map for membership of collections. The filters can be used to query if items are in a large database without using large amounts of memory. For example, a database of 1 million entries can use a bloom filter of just 1.14MB.

Lockpicking With Sound

Researchers at the National Unviersity of Singapore have developed a system called SpiKey that can predict 10 possible options of a key design just by recording the sound of a key in a lock. Of the 586,584 possible key combinations for a 6-pin lock, SpiKey can be used on approx. 56% of them to generate candidate key options that will open the lock.
