A Boat At Three Cliffs Bay

Image: A boat in Three Cliffs Bay, Gower.
This photo is available to licence on EyeEm.


Friday, May 25, 2018

In This Edition:
Repeal, SwanLork, maps, em fields, aerial photography, EM Drive, HTC blockchain phone, fox vs eagle, Greek whistlers, laws of UX, freelancers, Analog & 12k NYC!

My heart is heavy for Ireland, today is the day that Ireland votes on repealing the 8th amendment to the constitution.
In 2016, at least 3,265 women in Ireland were forced travel to the UK to access safe abortion services.
On average, 9 women a day leave Ireland for healthcare, sometimes alone.
Women in Ireland deserve proper healthcare in Ireland and they deserve bodily autonomy.
Sadly I can't make it #hometovote yes today, but so many Irish people can and are making the trip.
Well done to all those travelling and those who have campaigned for a yes vote. You make me proud to be Irish today.
If you have a vote today, please use it to vote yes. #men4yes #repealthe8th 

UPDATE: 26 May, 2018 18:15 - The 8th amendment to the constitution of Ireland has been repealed by a vote of 66.4% YES!

Swansea Laptop Ochestra at BBC Radio 1 Academy Swansea

Image: Swansea Laptop Orchestra hacked controllers

This week The BBC Radio 1 Academy came to Swansea. The Swansea Laptop Orchestra spent a day at The Adademy demonstrating and performing in The Swansea Grand Theatre.
The photo above is of one of SwanLork's newly hacked musical interface controllers.
You can view some more of my photos of the day here.

430 Year Old World Map

Image: Ireland & The UK, David Rumsey Map Collection

The Tavola of Urbano Monte's world map from 1544 - 1613 is now available to view in high def online. The real one is over nine feet in diameter and on display at Stanford University.
On the map of Ireland, I assume purgatorio de s.Patricio references the burial place of St. Patrick in Downpatrick.


Visualising EM Fields

Image: EM Field Visualisation, Luke Sturgeon

This is a great video by Luke Sturgeon on how he used long exposure to visualise electromagnetic fields.


747 Pilot Photography

Image: JPC Van Heijst

JPC Van Heijst is a 747 pilot who also takes magnificant aerial sky and landscape photographs. Check out this gallery of some of his amazing photos and crank your photo jealousy up to 11! :-p


EM Drive Mystery Solved?

Image EM Drive, EMDrive.com

The EM Drive has previously been touted as proof of a perpetual energy machine, however a recent paper now offers a possible explanation for the magic force detected from the drive. The paper authors believe that insuffiently shielded cables cause an electromagnetic interaction that could account for the additional force.


HTC Exodus Blockchain Phone

Iamge HTC Exodus, Consensus 2018

HTC announced a blockchain power smartphone called Exodus at the Consensus 2018 blockchain conference in New York City. The phone is believed to include a hardware wallet and support for cryptocurrency transactions and decentralised apps.


Fox Vs Eagle

Image: Kevin Ebi

A young fox kills a rabbit and saunters off with its meal, happy out.
Enter stage left American bald eagle swooping in to ruin Mr. Fox's dinner plans!
This dramatic encounter was captured in a series of photographs by Kevin Ebi and in a video by Zachare Hartje (at the bottom of the page).
Watch in the video how fast the eagle comes in!


Greek Whistlers

Image: Theoutline.com

A fascinating article on theoutline.com about Sfyria, a whistling based language in remote villages on the Greek islands, which is going extinct. The whistling language is/was used to communicate short messages over large distances, such as large farm fields and mountain areas. The higher pitch of a whistle is more distinguishable by the human ear of long distance.



Laws Of UX

Image: lawsofux.com

Laws of UX is a great site that describes 17 principles that can be used when designing interfaces.


Podcasts Of The Week: Akimbo Ep.12

Image: Akimbo.link

In Akimbo episode 12, Seth talks about freelancing, what it takes to become a good freelancer and why to strive to become a category of one. He talks about differentiating your freelance work from the comodity levels of a category.



Comic Review: Analog

Image: Analog Issue 1 Alternative Cover, Art by Declan Shalvey

I picked up Analog issues 1 & 2 recently because of the amazing alternative cover that Declan drew for the first issue. In Analog #1, we are introduced to the main character, Jack McGinnis, a Jack Bauer/John Wick/Transporter type of anti-hero, who transports paper documents for the highest bidder. Paper documents you say? Well, a quick narrative flashback shows us that Jack was somehow instrumental in destroying the internet during "The Great Doxxing" of 2024. Now Jack and others like him help secrets travel the old fashioned, analog way. Gerry Duggan's weaving of this unique post-tech future is intruiging and is balanced perfectly between explaining what is going on and keeping you in suspense.
The TPB graphic novel will be released in October, which you can preorder on Amazon using the Found This Week affiliate link here.


Cool Thing Of The Week: 12k New York

Image: Phil Holland

Using 3 RED Weapon Monstro 8k VV cameras, Gotham Film works captured aerial footage of NYC in 12k!

About Found This Week

Found This Week is a curated blog of interesting posts, articles, links and stories in the world of technology, science and life in general.
Each edition is curated by Daryl Feehely every Friday and highlights cool stuff found each week.
The first 104 editions were published on Medium before this site was created, check out the archive here.

Daryl Feehely

I’m a web consultant, contract web developer, technical project manager & photographer originally from Cork, now based in Liverpool. I offer my clients strategy, planning & technical delivery services, remotely & in person. I also offer freelance CTO services to companies in need of technical bootstrapping or reinvention. If you think I can help you in your business, check out my details on http://darylfeehely.com

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