Word Tips analysed the vocabularies used by 100 modern pop stars and the 100 greatest singers of all time to see who uses the most words. Patti Smith and Billie Eilish came out on top with 217 and 169 unique words per 1000.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released their sixth assessment report that projects five climate emergency scenarios based on current and future global emissions. The report shows that a 1.5 degree temperature increase is already locked in, and can only be reduced in the future if we hit net zero emissions by 2025. If the planet reaches net zero emission just after 2030, we are guaranteed a 2+ degree increase until after 2050.
The AIS (Automatic identification system) is used (under international law) by naval vessels to broadcast and track their position on the water, to avoid collisions and aid search and rescue. The transponders on each vessel broadcast data that is detected by land based AIS stations and satellites. It turns out some AIS ground stations have been picking up phantom warships from different countries in places where they shouldn't be, the waters of other sovereign nations.
Tim Miller at The Data School published the best visualisation of SQL joins that I've seen so far, It's a handy resource if, like me, you keep forgetting the differences.
How Many Plants is a fantasticly handy and beautifully designed website that provides identification and caring guides for all the different kinds of indoor plants!
David Galles atthe University of San Francisco created a fantastic website with animations that visual data structures and algorithms as they are executed.
Soundshader published on Github a study of using the DFT shift theorem to generate spectrograms from birdsong and compare them to spectrograms generated from musical instruments.
craig Anderson from the University of Glasgow published an interesting article in The Conversation that describes how to calculate the probability of completing the Panini Euro 2020 sticker album, and how much it will cost you to complete the collection.
Noteworthy.ie published an interesting deep dive into the emissions data of Irish companies. They look at the trend in company emissions since 2013 and highlights the gaps in the data available.