For the latest NAWR ANOIS concert, we welcomed Analog On and Andrew Leslie Hooker to Swansea for some modular synths and no input mixing magic sounds.Check out the photos of the concert here.
This week my wife Jenn performed in the Festival of Voice: Every Song I've Ever Written - Band Night. The project involved 4 acts covering or interpreting one of 58 songs written by Jacob Wren which are part of the Every Song I've Ever Written project.
This week The Swansea Laptop Orchestra helped launch Tŷ Cerdd's the CoDI Composer Pathways project. Swanlork will be montoring and performing pieces from composers in the Electonic pathway of the project.Check out more photos from the concert here.
This week we welcomed Caoihmín Ó Raghallaigh and Tinc Y Tannau to Swansea to perform in our fourth NAWR ANOIS concert.Check out the photos from the concert here.
A young fox kills a rabbit and saunters off with its meal, happy out.Enter stage left American bald eagle swooping in to ruin Mr. Fox's dinner plans!This dramatic encounter was captured in a series of photographs by Kevin Ebi and in a video by Zachare Hartje (at the bottom of the page).Watch in the video how fast the eagle comes in!
JPC Van Heijst is a 747 pilot who also takes magnificant aerial sky and landscape photographs. Check out this gallery of some of his amazing photos and crank your photo jealousy up to 11! :-p
I had the pleasure of photographing When In Roam this week, a performance art and dance show that took place in Organised Kaos in Ammanford. The show features a trio of performers exploring the concepts of home and belonging through dance and aerial performance. Check out more photos from the show here.