
Cell-free CRISPR Sandbox

Researchers have created a new version of CRISPR that can edit free floating DNA in a test-tube, instead of only being able to operate on DNA within a living cell. This CRISPR sandbox can be used to test CRISPR on specific test samples, which would allow custom CRISPR diagnosis of cancer cells. The team involved are looking for commercial partners to help deevlop a CRISPR-on-a-chip product for cancer diagnosis.


NASA have successfully completed testing of a nuclear fission power system called KRUSTY (Kilopower Reactor Using Stirling Technology). The reactor uses Kilopower, technology based on using the heat produced by the nuclear fission of uranium to produce power. The prototype built by NASA, running at 800 degress celcius produces 1kW of power but can be scaled up to produce 10kW. Reactors to be built for mission to the Moon and Mars aim to produce 40kW.


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