
Automatic Plane Photos

Luke Berndt created a system to automatically photograph planes that fly over his house in Washington D.C. The skybot system uses the transponder of the aircraft to info the camera where in the sky to point at to take the photo. The camera moves and photographs until the plane is out of range or a new plane is in range. A machine learning custom vision cloud function then confirms that a plane is present in each photo and posts the best one to the Skybot website along with its identification detail from the FAA database..

Disable 2G On Android

Google pushed an update to some phones running Android 12 to allow 2G to be disabled by the user. This is significant because cell site simulators used by police in the U.S. can impersonate cell towers and force a phone to downgrade to a 2G connection. This then allows the cell site simulator to crack the weaker 2G encryption in real time and snoop on any phones connected to it.


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