Web Dev

Semantic HTML

Ken Bellows has a nice introduction to semantic HTML over on dev.to. While reading it, I realised that I started learning HTML 20 years ago this year! I've come along way since framesets, but not far enough apparently, time to break out some more of these fancy new tags! (Although, I do find it difficult to use <strong> instead of <b>, <b> is so much faster to type!)

The Problems With Software Hiring

Nikita Prokopov has a superb blog post about how a lot of tech companies approach the hiring of software engineers incorrectly. He pulls no punches in describing how impractical it is to write code on a whiteboard, not being able to run and test interview code, the irrelevance of puzzles and the missed opportunities when not customising interviews to the interviewee. I could not agree more with everything in this post!

CSS Flexbox

I'm a bit late to the CSS3 party here but CSS Tricks have a great visual tutorial on CSS Flexbox and the various layout options available in flexbox. Don't forget to use CanIUse to check browser support though, and here's a handy CSS prefix generator for that cross-browser support (and see some extra steps are here for Safari).


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