The Stack Overflow blog published a piece on 4 software development metrics defined by Google over a 6 year project to understand high performance software teams. Deployment frequency, Mean change lead time, Mean time to restore, and Change failure rate are apparently the best way to measure software development performance in a meaningful way. published a review of all the main javascript libraries and scripts used by websites and domains that access the sensors in your smartphone. These sensors, such as motion, orientation and light sensors, are used by for different reasons like real human detection, or display customisation.
Emna Ayadi published a great blog post detailing the best way to approach testing an API, including using the heuristic POISED (Parameters, Output, Interop, Security, Errors, Data).
Ire Aderinokun at bitsofcode put together a nice overview of website performance metrics, such as First Contentful Paint (FCP), along with the ideal times for each metric.
Algorithm Wiki is a repository of algorithms categorised by family which came about when scientists at MIT decided to measure how algorithms have improved over time.