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Ireland #2 Good Country

Ireland has been ranked number two on the Good Country index, which collates what a country contributes to global society and what it takes away relative to its size. While we rank highly for International Peace & Security (4th), Prosperity & Equality (6th) and Culture (9th) contributions, our Planet & Climate (27th) and Science & Technology (46th) contributions need work.

No Hard Border?

It would appear that some people, particularly in the vicinity of Westminster and Dundela Avenue in Belfast, have forgotten about the 30 years of violence perpetrated at the hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland during the troubles.

Livable Cities

Jason Kottke posted an interesting piece on about Donald Appleyard's book Livable Cities. Research conducted by Appleyard in the book shows the impact of cars and traffic on neighbourhood connects through 3 streets of varying traffic levels.

Holiday Radio

Jon Keegan has an interesting post on medium that analyses 122 hours of holiday radio from New York's WLTW 106.7 LiteFM. The data plots the most played Christmas song (Santa Claus is Coming to Town - all versions), most played specific version (Bing Cosby's White Christmas) and most played performers (Bublé) among other interested facts like plays per time of day and song versions by play count. 


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