Data Vis

Cracking The New York Times Bestseller List

Data scientist Albert-Lázló Barabási analysed the sales patterns of 4,493 fiction and non-fiction books that made the New York Times bestseller list for hardcovers over thee last decade. The findings show the most popular categories of fiction and non-fiction books, that most book sell the most in their first week and that new-comers are best placed for success with book launches in February of March.

Knitted Sky Map

Australian software engineer Sarah Spencer hacked a 1980's knitting machine to create a massive equatorial star map, with the plan to exhibit it at the Electromagnetic Field Camp festival on Aug 31st, 2018. As a result, the star map is aligned with the night sky on the date of the festival!

The Pudding

I recently re-discovered The Pudding, a fantastic datavis site that uses visual essays to explain cultural ideas, such as the proliferations of repetitive pop lyrics and hip-hop vocabulary, a visual history of every Air Jordan and gender parity in the U.S. and U.K. governments.


Life Changing Smart Thinking Books

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