
Podcast of the Week: Armchair Expert - Bill Gates Book Talk

In a recent episode of The Armchair Expert podcast, Dax & Monica interview Bill Gates about his new book How To Avoid A Climate Disaster. The interview is a frank and informative discussion about the scale of what is needed to tackle the climate crisis, with a fair bit of high level detail from Bill Gates about the different areas that need to be progressed, whcih are described in detail in his book.

Podcast of the Week: That Great Business Show with Conor McEnroy

On a recent episode of That Great Business Show, Conall & Jamie interview Conor McEnroy, the Irish owner of a bank in Paraguay. The interview is fantastic! Conor tells stories of various adventures in business he has had in South America, like being kidnapped and gun point and being in a hotel when a bomb goes off. The latter section of the interview enters the realm of real talk where Conor spells out the clear corruption that still exists in Ireland.

Podcast of the Week: Tell Me A Story with Eddie Lenihan on Christmas

Tell Me A Story with Eddie Lenihan is a podcast of stories collected and retold by Seanchaí (Irish traditional storyteller/historian) Eddie Lenihan. In his latest episode about Christmas, Eddie describes some of the older Irish Christmas traditions, along with some folktales about the magical time of midnight on Christmas Eve.


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