UXP2 Dark Patterns is an interesting website that describes five different types of dark UX patterns, such as sneaking and forced action, and provides a name and shame list of sites using these patterns against their users.
Compressimage.io is a browser based image compression tool that runs completely in the browser, meaning it works offline, is completely private, and results in zero server side emissions because there is no server!
Do you know your Burtalism from your Butresses? If not, this beautiful piece on My Modern Met will give you a glossary of architecture terms along with some lovely illustrations.
The Web Interface Handbook is a valuable resource of do's and dont's for web interface development, covering topics such as layout, forms, buttons, and patterns.
Researchers at UCL conducted a study where participants trained themselves to use a robotic third thumb which was desisgned by the Royal College of Art. Users of the thrid thumb control its movement using their toes. The UCL study measured brain activity of participants after time using the thumb and found that the brain's representation of the hand had changed.
Varun Vachhar published an extensive blog post with coding examples demonstrating the use of noise in creative coding, such as motion, distortion, particles, and flow.