A comment on HackerNews eventually led to four and a half new unicode symbols being added to represent the commonly understood power symbols. Four symbols are brand new, and one is repurposed (hence the half).
Lego are launching a set of Braille bricks to help children to learn Braille, in response to the rise of computer apps and audiobooks resulting in less blind children learning Braille.
Interaction designer Chris Oilver has compiled a monster list of UX Books using Airtable. The list includes categories, ratings and links to buy each book.
UX designers Stephanie Walter and Laurence Vagner created 52 cognitive bias cards for use in UX workshops. Categories covered in the cards include decision making, user testing and team work.
Mazda are removing touchscreens from their car interiors following a study on driver safety and comfort. The foudn that a swipe-n-swerve that happens when a driver reaches to interact with a touchscreen and inadvertently applies pressure to the steering wheel at the same time.