Artist and web designer Nicholas Rougeux created a fantasticly creative project called Title Cities, where he converts text on the covers of historic books with blocks of colours, and then extracts and rearranges these blocks into cityscape posters.
Artist Allan McCollum produced an online exhibition that showcases the trope of reassurance in TV & Film with variation of the phrase "Everything is going to be OK". The series is called "An Ongoing Collection ofScreengrabs With Reassuring Subtitles" however a lot of the scenes depicted don't suggest reassurance, despite the dialogue. Perhaps that's the point.
Cedric Joshua Atienza over at Noteworthy published a useful UI/UX case study for designing a small app. The article describes the process from research, surveys and personas, all the way through to wireframes and prototype creation.
Muzli Search is a search engine for design inspiration. A neat feature is that for every search result, tt automatically pulls the colour palette and provides an SVG download or link to Muzli colours.
For years, retiring Swiss cartographers have been hiding illustrations in the Swiss Federal Office of Topography maps, such as drawings of a marmot, a spider, a fish and even a face.