Items of Interest

IBM Semantic Data Science API

IBM published a getting started guide to their Semantic Data Science API. The machine learning product allows data to be mapped to domains and/or concepts, which are then analysed and meaningful insights and extractions are generated. I recently read about a similar AI technique used in the Pivot Project to help with Climate Change, as described in Steve Hamm's book The Pivot.

Fake Salt Chopsticks

Researchers from Meiji University in Japan have invented electric chopsticks that trick your mouth into tasting salt without it being present in the food you are eating! The chopsticks send the electrical waveform that activates ions in salty and umami components into the user's mouth to change their taste perception of the food. The hope is using these chopsticks can reduce national salt intake by 20%.

FT's The Climate Game

The Financial Times has created an excellent interactive game about climate change. You play as the global minister for future generations, and you are presented with different policies and strategies to choose from,  across 3 chunks of time up to 2050, with the aim of achieving net zero emissions.The data in the game is based on modelling from the International Energy Agency.


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